Made to Measure Suits – The Perfect Suits for Special Occasions

For people who are in need of crisply tailored made to measure suits, London is a gift that keeps on giving. Known for its rich tailoring history, the city is home to an exceptionally large number of tailors, fitters, seamstresses, and other people who are involved in the process of making fine suits. For many tailors, making suits is their calling. It is an art they have perfected for generations. In fact, it is not uncommon to see tailoring shops that have been there for over a hundred years. 

Why Choose Made to Measure Suits?

Some of you might wonder as to what is the need for tailored suits in the first place. After all, why do you have to wait weeks to get a suit tailored when you can just walk into a store and pick up a ready-to-wear suit? Turns out, there are many reasons as to why a tailored suit still remains the favorite of many people. 

  • A tailored suit fits you perfectly. An off the peg suit, no matter how expensive it is, does not. Especially, if you differ from the average man in terms of physical characteristics like height, shoulder size, and hip size, you might find it difficult to fit into a ready to wear suit. 
  • A tailored suit is more durable and lasts you a lot longer than a ready to wear suit. 
  • There is no limit to the amount of customizations you can make to a made to measure suit. You can personalize it in many ways and make sure it meets your specific needs. There is, as you can imagine, no such possibility with a ready to wear suit. 

Making a Made to Measure Suit

If you are in need of a suit, the first thing you need to do is visit a tailoring shop nearby. There are no dearth of tailors in the great city of ours and you can find one in pretty much every single corner – including the world famous Savile Row. One of the advantages of having so many options is that you do not have to settle for anything other than the very best. You can visit a bunch of shops, talk to a few tailors, get an idea as to how much does a suit cost, compare their offers, and then make a decision. 

Once you have handpicked a tailor, you need to visit him in person for a fitting session. In terms of made to measure suits, London tailors offer you a tremendous range of choices – right from patterns to customizations. 

You will be presented with a range of individual base patterns, from which you can choose one that you like the most. You can also choose the type of cloth or fabric that you want, from the many options available. You can then tell the tailor your specifications in terms of buttons, cuffs, trouser pleats, and interior linings. 

Once the tailor has a clear idea as to what kind of suit you need, he measures you up. This is commonly known as the fitting session. He usually takes multiple measurements in order to create the perfect fit. After the fitting session, you can expect to wait anywhere from six to ten weeks, after which you have to meet the tailor again for another fitting session. This time, the tailor lets you put on the suit and see if it fits you perfectly. If there are any changes to be made, the tailor makes the appropriate adjustments and alterations and makes sure it fits you just fine. 

One thing you need to remember when it comes to tailored suits is that your inputs matter a lot. Do not hesitate to tell the tailor exactly what kind of suit you are looking for. Tell everything – right down to the last detail – right at the outset in the first fitting session. The more inputs you give, the easier it becomes for the tailor to make the suit. Otherwise, the suit might not fit you properly and you might have to ask the tailor to make a number of changes again, which takes even more time. So, make sure you have a clear idea of what kind of suit you want and convey your idea to the tailor to the best of your abilities. 
